Difference between revisions of "Commands"

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m (General Commands: - add the `tips` command to the list)
m (corrected error in command)
Line 104: Line 104:
|Wood elves and members of the archer guild will automatically fire missiles with readied weapon to the closest monster
|Wood elves and members of the archer guild will automatically fire missiles with readied weapon to the closest monster
|<code>autokill on/off</code>
|<code>autoattack on/off</code>
|Initiates combat with monsters by walking into them
|Initiates combat with monsters by walking into them

Revision as of 21:37, 30 September 2017

Command Summary

Command Description
skills Shows what you have spent your skill points on
startup add <command> Lets you specify commands to run automatically when you log in.
autobag Lets you autobag picked up items into gem pouch/reagent bag/ bag of holding etc. Guide: http://wyvernsource.com/2016/08/30/autobag-guide/
alias <key/word> <command> Links a command to a key, word or button
shout <text> The main command used to speak. Using shout commands prints your text for all players to see.
say <text> Same as shout command. but your text is only printed to those in your immediate vacinity/same room.
earmuffs Mutes shouts from other players.
give <item_name> to <NPC/Player_name> Gives an item to anoter character. You can only give items to another players if the item has a value of ?less than 100*need confirmation. can be useful for sharing reagents/arrows.
stash <all/item_name> Tried to put all unkept items in first bag/pouch of item type.
gather Automatically stashes all of your offered items from auction houses into your Auctioneer's Bag (requires Auctioneer's Bag)
adjust <item_name> <0-99> Changes the location of an item in your inventory to set number
cast <spell_name> Casts the spell in the direction your character is facing
apply <item> Can work for various items and have different effects depending on selected item. eg apply <full_name_of_wand> will cast it in same direction, apply unicorn horn will try to dispel negative effects, and applying levers will interact with them. specific quest items/structures requires you to apply them to activate their effect.
who Prints all players that are online, including their title and their level.
who <player_name> Prints information about a particular player.
where Prints out the name of map/random dungeon floor the player is currently in.
refund <item> Attempt to refund a recently bought store item for the full price the player had paid. This works for any bought items to any store in-game, even if its not the same one you bought your item from.
dispel <all/spell_name> Dispels and prematurely ends the effect of specific spell. Note that potions/scrolls can't be dispelled* need confirmation.
autocast <all/spell_name> Keeps specific spells effects always-on on the player by casting the spell in a loop whenever it expires.
follow <player_name> Follows a player
group <player_name> Allows two players to form a party or group. This has effects on being allowed in the same map together, sharing kill experience, and allowing spells/buffs to be cast/received from party members
buffs <on/off> Permits or denies buffs be cast on oneself from a group member. It has to be on to be able to cast on others.
<fly> Storm giant racial ability to fly or land
<land> Storm giant racial ability to fly or land
sell <all/name_of_item> Sells the item to the shop. Must be in shop to work. 'Sell all' sells all items except for items marked as (kept)
<fish> Must have fishing pole wielded. Must have fishing permit. Attempts to catch fish from specified fishing areas.
<unlock> Allows doors to be unlocked, provided you are next to a locked door and have the right key.
<map> Requires the map in the inventory. With no arguments, a menu is provided to show the map or print locations. With an argument (regardless of what, could be one letter), will print locations.
button-bar <number> <command> similar to alias, links a command or string of commands to a button on the button-bar (which can be enabled via the W on the bottom left corner).
button-bar image <number> <picture> sets the image for a button on the button-bar. You must either have the item in your inventory, be standing on or adjacent to the picture of the item you'd like to see.
kill <monster/NPC> Initiates combat with the monsterNPC.
autofire on/off Wood elves and members of the archer guild will automatically fire missiles with readied weapon to the closest monster
autoattack on/off Initiates combat with monsters by walking into them
adjust <item> <position> Adjust the order of item's in player inventory. The first position is number 0
tips Toggle login tips on and off. Tips are turned on my default for new players and contain, well, tips about how to play Wyvern.

All Commands

Usage: command [optional-argument] <required-argument>

An "argument" is something you type after the command. For example, if you type open door, "open" is the command and "door" is the argument.

If you're not required to type in an argument, but you could if you wanted to, it's called an optional argument and it appears in square brackets in the command-usage description.

If you have to specify an argument, it's called a required argument or mandatory argument and it appears in angle-brackets in the command-usage description.

If you can specify either of two options, they are separated by a vertical bar (|). For instance, you can type close door or close <direction>. Either kind of argument (a door or a direction) is acceptable. We use the vertical bar symbol to mean "or", so the usage description for close looks like this:

Usage: close [direction|door]

The argument to the "close" command is optional (since you can type close with nothing else after it and it'll still work), so the possible arguments appear in square-braces.

General Commands

All commands which don't really have a place in the other categories but are still useful.


Action Commands

All commands which you can use to interact with something in game.


Shop Commands

All commands related to shops, including trading with other players.


Chat and Multiplayer Interaction Commands

All commands related to talking with other players, making friends, groups, and guild commands. Commands to trade items with other players are under the Shop Commands section.


Race Specific Commands

All commands that certain races can only do.


Removed Commands

All commands which don't seem to be used by the game anymore but are kept for legacy.
