From Wyvern Source
list of useful text commands:
Command | Description |
Skills | Shows what you have spent your skill points on |
Alias <key/word> <command> | Links a command to a key, word or button |
shout <text> | The main command used to speak. Using shout commands prints your text for all players to see. |
say <text> | Same as shout command. but your text is only printed to those in your immediate vacinity/same room. |
earmuffs | Mutes shouts from other players. |
give <item_name> to <NPC/Player_name> | Gives an item to anoter character. You can only give items to another players if the item has a value of ?less than 100*need confirmation. can be useful for sharing reagents/arrows. |
stash <all/item_name> | Tried to put all unkept items in first bag/pouch of item type. |
adjust <item_name> <0-99> | Changes the location of an item in your inventory to set number |
cast <spell_name> | Casts the spell in the direction your character is facing |
apply <item> | Can work for various items and have different effects depending on selected item. eg apply <full_name_of_wand> will cast it in same direction, apply unicorn horn will try to dispel negative effects, and applying levers will interact with them. specific quest items/structures requires you to apply them to activate their effect. |
who | Prints all players that are online, including their title and their level. |
where | Prints out the name of map/random dungeon floor the player is currently in. |
refund <item> | Attempt to refund a recently bought store item for the full price the player had paid. This works for any bought items to any store in-game, even if its not the same one you bought your item from. |
dispel <all/spell_name> | Dispels and prematurely ends the effect of specific spell. Note that potions/scrolls can't be dispelled* need confirmation. |
autocast <all/spell_name> | Keeps specific spells effects always-on on the player by casting the spell in a loop whenever it expires. |
follow <player_name> | Follows a player |
group <player_name> | Allows two players to form a party or group. This has effects on being allowed in the same map together, sharing kill experience, and allowing spells/buffs to be cast/received from party members |
buffs <on/off> | Permits or denies buffs be cast on oneself from a group member. It has to be on to be able to cast on others. |
<fly> | Storm giant racial ability to fly or land |
<land> | Storm giant racial ability to fly or land |
sell <all/name_of_item> | Sells the item to the shop. Must be in shop to work. 'Sell all' sells all items except for items marked as (kept) |
<fish> | Must have fishing pole wielded. Must have fishing permit. Attempts to catch fish from specified fishing areas. |
<unlock> | Allows doors to be unlocked, provided you are next to a locked door and have the right key. |
<map> | Requires the map in the inventory. With no arguments, a menu is provided to show the map or print locations. With an argument (regardless of what, could be one letter), will print locations. |
button-bar <number> <command> | similar to alias, links a command or string of commands to a button on the button-bar (which can be enabled via the W on the bottom left corner). |
button-bar image <number> <picture> | sets the image for a button on the button-bar. You must either have the item in your inventory, be standing on or adjacent to the picture of the item you'd like to see. |