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Spells are learnt from spellbooks, and are a member of one or more of the eight Magical Elements and and one of the four Magical Arts.

You are allowed to "ready" one spell at a time.

If you're wearing a lot of heavy armor, or under the effects of some spells, your chance of bungling the spell increases.

You can learn the spell by typing learn <spellname>.

You can dispel your spells by typing dispel <spellname>.


To learn a spell you must meet the following criteria:

  1. You must have a spellbook for the spell in your possession.
  2. You must have enough Lore Points to cover the Lore Cost of the spell.
  3. Your Lore skill must be at least as high as the Lore Cost of the spell.

To cast a spell you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have learned the spell.
  2. Have the required reagents. (if any).
  3. Have the required mana.
  4. Have non-negative skills in all the spell's elements (but not its art).

Casting Spells

You can cast spells in 2 ways:

  1. First ready the spell, then fire in any direction.
  2. Or, type cast <spellname> [arguments]

Spell List

Icon Name Lore Mana Art Element Reagent Description Effects
AcidDart.png Acid Dart 2 10 Evocation Water Sulfur Hurls a glob of potent acid at a foe The water element affects damage.

WC = 25 + 3*Water Magic Skill

AntiMagicShield.png Anti-Magic Shield 16 80 Incantation Mind Ashes, Earth Stone, Lightning Stone This Incantation of Mind creates an impenetrable no-spells zone around the caster. The mind element affects the duration.
Berzerk.png Berserk 4 20 Enchantment Fire, Mind None Drives the caster into a berserk rage. This makes the caster more dangerous in combat, but makes it difficult to cast other spells. 1 berserk skill per fire for a max of 20. The mind element affects the duration. At 20 mind, the hp bar will be visible again.
Bless.png Bless 5 25 Enchantment Life Pixie Dust Blesses the specified object, or removes a curse from it if cursed. The life element has no effect.
Blink.png Blink 1 5 Incantation Spirit None Teleports the caster to a random location a few feet away. The Spirit element determines how hard it will try to find a spot for you.
Blizzard.png Blizzard 4 20 Evocation Water None Creates a blast of snow that does cold damage to everything in its path. The water element affects damage and spell radius.
BoulderBlast.png Boulder Blast 4 20 Evocation Air, Earth None Shoots a small rock from the caster's fingertips that explodes in a storm of magical boulders on contact with something solid. The Air and Earth elements determine the damage and the spell radius.
Bravery.png Bravery 1 5 Enchantment Life, Mind None Gives the caster temporary resistance to fear. The mind element affects effectiveness, the life element affects duration.
Charging.png Charging 4 20 Incantation Spirit Salt, Pixie Dust Attempts to bestow additional charges on a magical item. The spirit element affects the chance of the wand exploding.
CharmMonster.png Charm Monster 4 20 Enchantment Mind None Allows the caster to control a monster by giving it commands. The mind element affects success rate and duration.
ConfuseMonster.png Confuse Monster 1 5 Enchantment Mind None Confuses a single monster or player. The mind element affects duration.
Confusion.png Confusion 3 15 Evocation Mind None Creates a wide cone of confusion. The mind element affects the cone duration.
ContinualLight.png Continual Light 5 25 Conjuration Life Pixie Dust Creates a permanent light source at the caster's current location. The life element determines the intensity.
CreateEarthWall.png Create Earth Wall 3 15 Conjuration Earth None Creates a diggable wall of earth that can block monsters.
CreateFood.png Create Food 4 20 Conjuration Earth, Life Salt, Garlic Creates some food. The Earth element makes the food more nutritious. The Life element makes the food much more nutritious.
CreateLava.png Create Lava 7 35 Conjuration Earth, Fire Sulfur, Ashes, Fumes Creates a pool of lava in front of the caster. The earth element affects how many can be cast at once, the fire element affects lava duration.
CreatePool.png Create Pool 7 35 Conjuration Water Vial of Water Creates a pool of water in front of the caster.
CreateTrap.png Create Trap 3 15 Conjuration Death, Mind Hand of Glory Creates a random trap in front of the caster. This spell works in PK areas only. The mind element affects duration, the death element affects the trap type and amount in effect.
CureBlindess.png Cure Blindness 2 10 Incantation Life None Cures a target of blindness. The life element has no effect.
CurePoison.png Cure Poison 3 15 Incantation Life None Cures a target of poisoning. The life element has no effect.
Curse.png Curse 4 20 Incantation Death None Curses an object.
DarknessSprite.png Darkness 2 10 Conjuration Death None Surrounds the caster with a cloud of darkness. The death element affects duration.
DarkSight.png Darksight 4 20 Enchantment Air, Mind None Allows the caster to see in the dark. The mind element determines the duration. The air element determines the effectiveness.
DeathRay.png Death Ray 14 70 Evocation Death Dragon's Claw Produces a bolt that kills all living things in it's path. The death element affects the chance to kill.
BloodDart.png Demon Dart 1 5 Evocation Death Ashes Hurls a glob of unholy ichor at a foe. The death element affects the damage done.

Does stab damage. WC = 25 + 3*death magic skill

DestroyArmor.png Destroy Armor 2 10 Incantation Earth, Death None Damages or destroys a piece of armor the caster is wearing.
DestroyObject.png Destroy Object 4 20 Incantation Earth, Death None Disintegrates a selected object in the caster's inventory. The death and earth elements affect the damage.
Destruction.png Destruction 9 45 Incantation Death, Spirit Ashes, Pixie Dust, Nightshade Berries Does magical damage to every monster in the caster's area. The death element affects damage, the spirit element affects damage and duration.
DetectMonsters.png Detect Monsters 3 15 Enchantment Air Eye of Newt Allows you to see monsters not in your line of sight.
Dig.png Dig 1 5 Evocation Earth, Death None Fires a beam that disintegrates loose earth. The death element affects damage, the earth element affects range and duration.
DispelConfusion.png Dispel Confusion 1 5 Incantation Life, Mind None Cures a target of confusion. The life element has no effect.
DispelFear.png Dispel Fear 1 5 Incantation Life, Mind None Cures a target of fear. The life element has no effect.
DispelParalysis.png Dispel Paralysis 1 5 Incantation Air, Life None Cures a target of paralysis. The life element has no effect.
DispelSlow.png Dispel Slow 1 5 Incantation Air, Life None Cures a target of slow. The life element has no effect.
DragonBreath.png Dragon Breath 13 65 Evocation Fire, Death Ashes, Powdered Dragon Bone Hurls a cone of fiery dragon breath from the caster's fingertips. The fire and death elements affect the damage done. Duration = 8 + Death + Fire, for max of 30. damage=30+fire+death (0.5*DEATH + 1.5*FIRE)
EnchantArmor.png Enchant Armor 6 30 Enchantment Earth, Spirit Ruby of at least 1000gp value Enchants a piece of armor to provide more protection. The earth and spirit elements affect chance of the armor exploding.
EnchantWeapon.png Enchant Weapon 6 30 Enchantment Earth, Spirit Diamond of at least 1000gp value Enchants a weapon to do additional magical damage. The earth and spirit elements affect chance of the weapon exploding.
EnlargeArmor.png Enlarge Armor 4 20 Incantation Earth Pixie Dust Causes a specific piece of armor to grow to a larger size. The effect is permanent, but does damage the armor.
Enlightment.png Enlightenment 2 10 Incantation Mind None Gives the caster detailed information on his or her abilities (strength, attack/move speed, alignment, resistances/immmunities, number of deaths). The mind element has no effect.
Excavation.png Excavation 6 30 Evocation Earth, Death Salt Hurls a wide beam that disintegrates loose earth. The death element affects damage, the earth element affects duration.
Fear.png Fear 2 10 Evocation Mind None Creates a cone of fear that will send monsters stampeding.
FindTraps.png Find Traps 3 15 Incantation Mind None Detects any traps adjacent to the caster. The mind element affects max number of traps found.
Fireball.png Fireball 4 20 Evocation Fire None Shoots a small ball from the caster's fingertips that explodes in a storm of fire on contact with something solid. The fire element determines the damage and the spell radius.
Firebolt.png Firebolt 3 15 Evocation Fire None Hurls a thin stream of flame from the caster's fingertips. The fire element affects the effectiveness.
FireFrost.png Firefrost 4 20 Evocation Fire, Water None Creates a bouncing swirl of fire and ice. The fire element affects fire damage, the water element affects cold damage.
Firespray.png Firespray 6 30 Evocation Fire Sulfur Hurls a wide cone of flame from the caster's fingertips. The fire element affects the damage and duration. wc = 5 + (fire skill)
FireWall.png Firewall 3 15 Conjuration Fire None Creates a wall of fire in front of the caster.
FlameBlade.png Flame Blade 3 15 Enchantment Fire None Causes the selected weapon to burst into flame for a period of time. Some of the energy invested in this spell cannot be recovered until the spell wears off. When the spell ends, the weapon may be damaged or destroyed by the dying flames.
FireShield.png Flame Shield 6 30 Conjuration Fire Sulfur, Pixie Dust Creates a ring of flames around the caster. The fire element affects the damage and duration.
Fly.png Fly 5 25 Enchantment Air Pixie Dust Enables the caster to fly. The air element effects the duration.
Forestry.png Forestry 1 5 Enchantment Earth None Enables the caster to travel through forests at great speed.
Fortress.png Fortress 5 25 Conjuration Earth Rock, Earth Stone Surrounds the caster with an impregnable magical barrier. The earth element affects the duration.
FreeAction.png Free Action 5 25 Enchantment Life, Mind None Gives the caster resistance to slow and paralysis. The mind element affects the resist amount, the life element affects duration.
Frostbite.png Frostbite 16 80 Evocation Water Vial of Water, Hoarfrost This Evocation of Water spreads an arctic winter in front of the caster, chilling enemies and making them more vulnerable to the cold. Adds frostbite status to target which increases the damage the target takes from cold damage.
FrostBlade.png Frost Blade 4 20 Enchantment Water None Surrounds the selected weapon with an aura of intense cold. This freezes your foes, but renders the weapon more fragile. Some of the energy invested in this spell cannot be recovered until the enchantment is dispelled.
FrostWard.png Frost Ward 6 30 Conjuration Water Salt, Pixie Dust Creates a shield of bitter cold around the caster. The water element affects the damage and duration.
FrostWave.png Frost Wave 4 20 Evocation Water None This Evocation of Water throws out a wave of freezing cold in all directions. The water element affects the damage and duration.
FrostFlame.png FrostFlame 13 65 Evocation Fire, Water Vial of Water, Powdered Dragon Bone Hurls a wide cone of frost and fire from the caster's fingertips. The fire and water elements affect the duration and damage done. Duration = 8 + Fire + Water, for max of 30. Damage= 15 + 1*Fire plus 15 + 1*Water
Glimpse.png Glimpse 2 10 Enchantment Mind None Gives casters a glimpse of their true surroundings, ignoring all barriers. Lasts 3 * Mind Element
GroupHeal.png Group Heal 10 50 Evocation Life Clover Throws out a wave of healing magic that restores the hp of nearby group members. The life element increases heal amount and spell radius.
Heal.png Heal 10 50 Incantation Life Clover Heals greater wounds on the target or caster.
IceStorm.png Icestorm 6 30 Evocation Water Vial of Water Hurls a wide cone of frost from the caster's fingertips. The water element affects duration and effectiveness. wc = 5 + (water skill)
Identify.png Identify 8 40 Incantation Mind Pixie Dust Identifies one or more items in the caster's inventory. The mind element affects the number of items identified.
IllusionaryWall.png Illusionary Wall 1 5 Conjuration Spirit None Creates a wall you can see but also pass through. The spirit element affects duration.
Imprison.png Imprison 8 40 Conjuration Earth A Stone Surrounds a targeted monster with a strong earth wall.
Invisibility.png Invisibility 7 35 Enchantment Air Pixie Dust Makes the caster temporarily invisible to others. The air element affects duration.
JoinPlayer.png Join Player 8 40 Incantation Air Bat Wing Teleports the caster to the location of another player. The air element affects chance of success.
Knock.png Knock 1 5 Incantation Mind None Attempts to magically unlock a lock. The mind element affects the chance of success.
KnowAlignment.png Know Alignment 2 10 Incantation Mind None Tells the caster the target's alignment.
LifeBlade.png Life Blade 1 5 Enchantment Life None Causes the selected weapon to inflict extra damage on undead for a brief period of time. The energy invested in this spell cannot be recovered until the spell ends. The life element affects damage and duration.
Light.png Light 1 5 Conjuration Life None Surrounds the caster with a field of light.
LightningBolt.png Lightning Bolt 4 20 Evocation Air None Fires a long stream of electricity at your foes. The air element determines the damage.
LightningShield.png Lightning Shield 6 30 Conjuration Air Pixie Dust, Sparkweed Creates a shield of crackling electricity around the caster. The air element determines the damage.
MagicDart.png Magic Dart 1 5 Evocation Spirit Pixie Dust Hurls a dart of magical energy at a foe. This spell is only available as a starting spell for Pixies. Does magic damage. WC = 25+3*spirit magic level. Caps at 30 spirit. Can only cast [(spirit magic)/5 + 1] magic dart at a time.
MagicMap.png Magic Map 5 25 Incantation Air, Mind Blank Map Creates a magical engraving of the caster's current map. The mind element affect the scale of the map, the air element determines whether you can see in the dark.
MagicMine.png Magic Mine 8 40 Conjuration Earth, Death Sparkweed, Graveyard Dirt Plants a magic mine in the earth below the caster. It will automatically detonate after 15 seconds or when stepped on, magically damaging anything in its radius.
MagicMouth.png Magic Mouth 1 5 Conjuration Mind None Creates a message players will hear when they walk across it. The Mind element determines duration.
MagicWhip.png Magic Whip 1 5 Conjuration Air, Death None Creates a weightless magic weapon for the caster. The death element affects damage, the air element affects duration.

Damage = 15wc + death magic skill

MajorHealing.png Major Healing 5 25 Incantation Life None Heals major wounds on the target or caster. The life element affects effectiveness.
ManaShield.png Mana Shield 3 15 Enchantment Spirit, Mind Pixie Dust Causes the caster to absorb physical damage with mana points. The Spirit element affects the effectiveness, the mind element affects duration.
MediumHealing.png Medium Healing 3 15 Incantation Life None Heals medium wounds on the target or caster. The life element affects effectiveness.
MinorHealing.png Minor Healing 1 5 Incantation Life None Heals minor wounds on the target or caster. The life element affects effectiveness.
Pacify.png Pacify 6 30 Enchantment Life, Mind None Makes an aggressive/hostile monster stop attacking.
Paralysis.png Paralysis 4 20 Evocation Mind None Sends a cone of paralysis from the caster's fingertips. The mind element affects the duration.
Paralyze.png Paralyze 2 10 Incantation Mind None Temporarily paralyzes a single target.
Petrify.png Petrify 10 50 Evocation Earth, Death Nightshade Berries, Belladonna Turns monsters to stone, permanently. The earth and death elements affects the chance of success.
Poison.png Poison 2 10 Enchantment Death None Poisons the target.
PoisonWave.png Poison Breath 6 25 Evocation Death Belladonna Creates a wide cone of poisonous gas.
PoisonCloud.png Poison Cloud 4 20 Evocation Death Ashes Shoots a small ball from the caster's fingertips that explodes into a cloud of poisonous gas on contact with something solid. The death element determines the strength and radius of the poison.
PoisonWave.png Poison Wave 12 60 Evocation Death Wolfsbane Sends a deadly cone of poisonous gas from the caster's fingertips. The death element determines the strength of the poison and the duration of the wave?
PrismaticShield.png Prismatic Shield 11 55 Conjuration Fire, Water, Air Pixie Dust, Lightning Stone, Sulfur, Salt Creates a devastating shield of multiple energies around the caster.
PurifyFood.png Purify Food 3 15 Conjuration Earth, Life Salt, Sparkweed Purifies some spoiled food in your top-level inventory. Purified food can spoil over time.
Recall.png Recall 5 25 Conjuration Spirit Salt Sets a recall point that the caster can return to.
Regeneration.png Regeneration 2 10 Enchantment Life None Increases the caster's hit-point regeneration rate: 1 + (Life Magic Skill / 3)
RemoveCurse.png Remove Curse 5 25 Incantation Life, Spirit Pixie Dust Lifts the curse from a cursed object. The life and spirit elements affect nothing.
RemoveDamnation.png Remove Damnation 9 45 Incantation Life, Spirit Pixie Dust, Powdered Dragon Bone Lifts the damnation from a Damned object. The life and spirit elements affect nothing.
Repair.png Repair 4 20 Incantation Earth, Life Clover Partially repairs a weapon or piece of armor. Each casting permanently weakens the item being repaired.
ResistCold.png Resist Cold 1 5 Enchantment Water, Life None Gives the caster temporary resistance to cold and frost. Resistance = 50% + 5% per Water Skill (max 90%)

Duration = 2min + 2min per Life Skill

ResistCurse.png Resist Curse 4 20 Enchantment Life, Spirit None Gives the caster temporary resistance to being cursed.
ResistDrain.png Resist Drain 5 25 Enchantment Life, Spirit None Gives the caster temporary resistance to experience draining attacks. The spirit element affects effectiveness, the life element affects duration.
ResistFire.png Resist Fire 1 5 Enchantment Fire, Life None Gives the caster temporary resistance to heat and flame. Resistance = 50% + 5% per Fire Skill (max 90%)

Duration = 2min + 2min per Life Skill

ResistMagic.png Resist Magic 2 10 Enchantment Life, Spirit None Gives the caster temporary magic resistance. Resistance = 50% + 5% per Spirit Skill (max 90%)

Duration = 2min + 2min per Life Skill

ResistParalysis.png Resist Paralysis 1 5 Enchantment Life, Mind None Gives the caster temporary resistance to paralysis. The mind element affects effectiveness, the life element affects duration.
ResistPetrify.png Resist Petrify 3 15 Enchantment Earth, Life None Gives the caster temporary petrification resistance. The earth element affects effectiveness, the life element affects duration.
ResistShock.png Resist Shock 1 5 Enchantment Air, Life None Gives the caster temporary resistance to electricity. Resistance = 50% + 5% per Air Skill (max 90%)

Duration = 2min + 2min per Life Skill

Restoration.png Restoration 12 (N/A) 60 (N/A) Incantation Life None Restores experience drained by life-draining creatures. It will only restore that portion that has not been recovered by other means.
Resurrection.png Resurrection n/a n/a Incantation Life n/a Restores some of the experience lose to the Grim Reaper. The spell is only available via scrolls of Minor or Major Resurrection.
SandStorm.png Sandstorm 7 35 Evocation Earth, Air Earth Stone Fires a stream of swirling sand that can badly injure unarmored foes. Damage = 5 + Air + Earth. Duration = 10 + Air/3, maxes at 25 duration at lvl 45 air. Air increases cone width and attack speed. Cone width is maximized at 15 air
Satiety.png Satiety 4 20 Incantation Earth None Fills the caster up. The earth element affects the amount of food restored.
ScareMonster.png Scare Monster 1 5 Incantation Mind None Makes the specified monster run around in terror. The Mind Element affects the fear duration, and the chance of killing the target.
Scrying.png Scrying 8 40 Enchantment Mind Belladonna Allows you to view another player in the game. The mind element affects duration.
SeeInvisible.png See Invisible 1 5 Enchantment Air, Mind None Allows the caster to see invisible things. The air element affects the duration, the mind element affects the radius.
ShrinkArmor.png Shrink Armor 2 10 Incantation Air Pixie Dust Causes a specific piece of armor to shrink to a smaller size. The effect is permanent, but does damage the armor. The air element decreases the damage done to the item.
Slow.png Slow 3 15 Evocation Earth None Sends a cone of slow-monster in the specified direction.
SlowPoison.png Slow Poison 1 5 Enchantment Life None Slows the rate at which poison does damage to the target.
Speed.png Speed 3 15 Enchantment Air None Increases the caster's movement speed. The air element affects the duration and effect.
SpiritSpy.png Spirit Spy 4 20 Incantation Spirit Eye of Newt Peers into the target's soul, to show the caster an idea of who they really are. The spirit element has no effect.
StaticBlade.png Static Blade 2 10 Enchantment Air None Causes the selected weapon to release a large jolt of electrical energy on the next target struck. The energy invested in this spell cannot be recovered until the static blade is discharged. Lasts for only three hits. No autocast.
StoneWind.png Stonewind 17 85 Evocation Earth, Death Root, Nightshade Berries, Belladonna, Pile of Ashes Spreads a terrifying Medusa's Gaze before the caster.
StoneToFlesh.png Stone to Flesh 5 25 Incantation Earth, Life Pixie Dust, Bone Cures a target of petrification. The Earth and Life elements have no effect. Not available on wands or rods.
Strength.png Strength 3 15 Enchantment Earth, Life None Temporarily increases the caster's carrying capacity. The earth element determines the skill adjustment. The life element determines the duration.

Duration = 5 minutes + Life skill.

Carry capacity % increase = (3 + earth/2) * 10%

SummonAirElemental.png Summon Air Elemental 6 30 Conjuration Air Pixie Dust Summons an air elemental to fight for the caster. The air element affects the HP and strength of the elemental.
SummonAnimal.png Summon Animal 3 15 Conjuration Life Bit of Fur Summons an animal to fight for the caster. max summon = War Elephant starting at 22 life
SummonDemon.png Summon Demon 6 30 Conjuration Fire, Death Demon Ichor Summons a demon to fight for the caster. The death element affects the demon type, the fire element affects the demon HP. Top summon is currently demon lord and Cacodemon at 22 death (27 death for guaranteed summons).
SummonEarthElemental.png Summon Earth Elemental 6 30 Conjuration Earth Salt Summons an earth elemental to fight for the caster. The earth element determines the HP and strength of the elemental.
SummonElement.png Summon Elemental 5 25 Conjuration Spirit Clover Summons a random elemental to fight for the caster. The spirit element affects the HP of the elemental.
SummonFireElemental.png Summon Fire Elemental 6 30 Conjuration Fire Pile of Ashes Summons a fire elemental to fight for the caster.
SummonGolem.png Summon Golem 6 30 Conjuration Earth Earth Stone Summons a golem to fight for the caster. The earth element determines the HP and strength of the golem. Max summon is diamond golem.
Summon Insect 4 20 Conjuration Life Pile of Ashes Summons an insect to fight for the caster. The life element determines the monster type, HP, and strength. Max summon is dragonfly
SummonMonster.png Summon Monster 6 30 Conjuration Life Pixie Dust Summons a monster to fight for the caster. The life element determines the monster type, HP, and strength. Max summon is ArchAngel starting at 22 life. 27 life will summon ArchAngel consistently.
SummonPlayer.png Summon Player 10 50 Incantation Spirit Bat Wing Teleports a player to the caster's location. The spirit element has no affect.
SummonUndead.png Summon Undead 6 30 Conjuration Death Graveyard Dirt Summons an undead creature to fight for the caster. The death element affects the monster type and HP. Max summon is Arch Shoggolich at lvl 27 death
SummonWaterElemental.png Summon Water Elemental 6 30 Conjuration Water Vial of Water Summons a water elemental to fight for the caster. The water element determines the HP and strength of the elemental.
Teleport.png Teleport 4 20 Incantation Spirit None Teleport the caster to a random location in the current map.
Thunderbolt 1 5 Evocation Air None Hurls an electric charge at a foe.
Thunderstorm.png Thunderstorm 13 65 Evocation Air, Death Lightning Stone Calls forth from the skies the powerful force of lightning, and channels it in whatever direction the caster desires.
VampireBlade.png Vampire Blade 5 25 Enchantment Death Mandrake Root Causes the selected weapon to drain life from the foes it strikes, healing the wielder. Part of the energy invested in this spell cannot be recovered until the spell wears off. The death element affects chance and duration. Chance to occur is calculated as such; [10% + (death magic*2)]
WaterBreathing.png Water Breathing 4 20 Enchantment Water, Air None Allows the caster to breathe under water. The air element affects duration, the water element affects movement speed in water.
WaterWalk.png Water Walk 2 10 Enchantment Water None Allows the caster to walk on water.
WizardEye.png Wizard Eye 2 10 Conjuration Spirit None Produces an 'eye' the caster can move around, for viewing areas without being physically present. The spirit element affects duration.
WizardLock.png Wizard Lock 1 5 Conjuration Earth None Magically locks a door or chest. The earth element affects the lock level.
WordOfRecall.png Word of Recall 7 35 Incantation Spirit Bat Wing Teleports the caster back to the nearest chapel.
Xray.png Xray 6 30 Enchantment Air, Spirit None Allows the caster to see through walls. The spirit element affects duration, the air element affects range.