Laboratory Debacle
[hide]Recommended prerequisites
- water breathing
- fire resist
- ability to do some sort of melee damage
- xray/glimpse
- breadcrumbs or other items to drop
- 25 qp
- 250 loot tokens
- Amulet of protection
Finding the lab
Starting from Alaria go east along the mountains
You will encounter a dirt path that leads to a cave. Enter it.
Lab Entrance
Go north, you will encounter a guard.
talk yes
Pick up the key under the plant. (Circled in blue)
Use it to unlock the door and go down the stairs
Go north one map. This map will be referred to as the starting point.
Finding the keys
Head down the tunnel east
This map has 3 directions you can go.
First, go north to the earth lab.
These doors can be unlocked with knock or lockpicking. Go down the stairs.
Push the barrel onto the button to lower the gates.
Pick up the mithril key (circled in black)
Go down the stairs.
You will see an orange portal.
Stand on top and type stomach
Kill the monsters and take the crystal key.
Go back to the starting point
Head north one map from the starting point
Head north west. You should see an old maid rambling.
Head west one more map and there will be two paths.
Let's refer to this as West of crazy lady
Head west one map and you will be at the storeroom.
Use the mithril key to unlock the door.
Loot the bags to obtain three keys: bronze, ruby, and sapphire.
Assuming no randomization, the bags in the south east area have them.
Return to the starting point.
Head west two maps from the starting point and enter the house.
Brenius is here. Ignore him for now.
Use the ruby key to open the door to the garden and pick up the invisible key.
Return to starting point.
Head north back to the map West of crazy lady
Go south two maps to the air lab.
Use the invisible key.
Kill the elementals.
Apply the bones to get the wooden key (I'm guessing an assistant died with the key or something here.)
Use the crystal key to open the door south and go south.
Kill the elementals. One of them drops a silver key.
Return to the starting point
Go west to Brenius's house again.
This time talk to Brenius. The password is basement
He gives you a rusty key.
Go down the stairs under the recycling bin. This map will be referred to as the basement
Use the rusty key to open the door.
Walk on top of the closest chest and type unlock.
Loot the chest and get the lapis lazuli key.
Return to the starting point.
Head east two maps. You should see a massive chasm.
This is an invisible maze. If you fall you have to traverse a maze to find the stairs back up.
Continue east two maps and go down some stairs.
Use the sapphire key to open the door.
Warning underwater map ahead
Head down the stairs
Kill the elementals
Use lapis lazuli key to open the door.
Pick up the bottle of mercury under the bureau.
Return to the map east of the starting point.
Go north to the earth lab again.
Use the bottle of mercury to open the remaining door.
Pick up the stone key.
Return to the basement.
Use the stone key to open the middle chest. Reminder to type unlock when on the chest unlock
Get the copper key from the chest.
Return to the starting point.
Head east one map then south.
Continue going forward until you reach a map that looks like this.
Kill the red mold. It is on a no magic zone. So hopefully you brought a decent weapon.
Go through the passage the red mold is blocking and head west.
Use the copper key to open the door.
Go through the map and kill fire elements.
Apply ash piles. You will find a crimson key. I'm guessing an assistant got burnt to a crisp carrying it.
Head back to the map east of the starting point.
Go east again to the water map.
Use the crimson key to open the final door.
There should be a diamond key.
Return to the basement
Use the diamond key to open the second door.
The bronze key opens the chest next to the log book.
This chest gives a small amount of gold.
The silver key opens the chest in the south east corner of the room.
This chest will have the emerald and electrinum keys.
Head back to the fire lab. East, then south of the starting point
Use the electrinum key to open the last door.
Move on the crevice to enter the elemental caverns.
Elemental Caverns
There are four different crevices that you must stumble your way through.
Each crevice has a special item that will allow you to go to the next map.
It is highly recommended that you mark the entrance to all these crevices
First map is the air. You will need to find a flute in the crevice.
Second map is fire. You will need to find a pepper.
Third map is earth. You will need to find a rock.
Fourth map is water. You will need to find a tear. (I'm sure you have plenty by now but alas you need a special one)
After the water map you will see a portable hole.
Apply it. Talk to Rivor. Apply it to exit.
Pick it up
Use the emerald key to open the sewer grate.
Go to Professor Chelinde at the lab entrance and give her the portable hole.