Towns and Cities
From Wyvern Source
For the physical locations of the following cities, refer to the World Map.
These cities can be traveled to.
- Alaria (levels 10-14 recommended for training)
- Almien
- Asgard
- Bandar Gaah
- Beitdag
- Besar
- Bifrost
- Blackrose City
- Botanica
- Bura Shaan
- Corran
- Davos (level 6-10 recommended for training)
- Fae Wyston
- Ghanar Fyr
- Glacier Point
- Havishfel
- Hentiko
- Isle of Maiye
- Khaytsi City
- Lirkka
- Minath Elion
- Mist Temple
- New Verden
- Noir
- Rakshasa Harmya
- Stensele
- Stonybrook
- Temple
- Tournam Castle
- Varak
- Vesimas
- Zoo
Closed Areas
These cities are currently inaccessible.
- Amita
- Athendel
- Ebonfel
- Floriana
- Lysegu
- Ocina
- Terrim
- Zypheria