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Skill points are points rewarded to players upon leveling up that can be used to upgrade different skills. To benefit from the skill points earned, they must be invested into a skill through Skill Trainers. Skills are not necessarily permanent--they can be untrained by the Untrainer.

Skill Points

Each race is given a different number of points upon leveling as follows:

Racial Skill Points Per Level
Humans 4
Halflings 4
Dwarves 3
Elves 3
Pixies 3
Nagas 3
Rakshasas 3
Giants 3
Vampires 3.5*
  • Vampires receive 3 skill points every odd level and 4 skill points every even level. Vampires receive 4 skill points every milestone level (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50).

Skill Point Progression

Skill Point Progression
Level Amount
1 - 25 Full racial points
26 - 29 1
30 Full racial points
31 - 34 1
35 Full racial points
36 - 39 1
40 Full racial points
41 - 44 1
45 Full racial points
46 - 49 1
50 Full racial points
  • At level 50, Humans and Halflings have 140 skill points, Vampires have 128, and every other race has 110.

Training Cost

All skills have a base cost (e.g. 1000g for combat skills). The formula for the cost to train the n-th point of a skill is:

f(n) = BASE COST * n * Multiplier

Skill Training Cost Multiplier
Trained Skill Level Multiplier
1 - 10 1
11 - 15 2
16 - 20 4
21 - 25 10
26 - 35 25
36 - 40 50
41 - 45 ?
46 - 50 ?

skill level actual confirmed cost expected cost (need confirmation) cumulative cost to train to level
1 1,000 1,000
2 2,000 3,000
3 3,000 6,000
4 4,000 10,000
5 5,000 15,000
6 6,000 21,000
7 7,000 28,000
8 8,000 36,000
9 9,000 45,000
10 10,000 55,000
11 11,000 66,000
12 12,000 78,000
13 13,000 91,000
14 14,000 105,000
15 15,000 120,000
16 32,000 152,000
17 34,000 186,000
18 36,000 222,000
19 38,000 260,000
20 40,000 40,000 300,000
21 105,000 405,000
22 110,000 110,000 515,000
23 115,000 115,000 630,000
24 120,000 120,000 750,000
25 125,000 125,000 875,000
26 325,000 1,200,000
27 337,500 1,200,000
28 350,000 1,537,500
29 362,000 1,537,500
30 375,000 1,537,500
31 387,500 1,537,500
32 400,000 1,937,500
33 412,500 1,937,500
34 425,000 1,937,500
35 437,500 2,375,000
36 900,000
37 925,000
38 950,000
39 975,000
40 1,000,000
41 1,025,000
42 1,050,000
43 1,075,000
44 1,100,000
45 1,125,000
46 1,150,000
47 1,175,000
48 1,200,000
49 1,225,000
50 1,250,000


General Skills

Name Skill Max. Effect Per Level Description Other
Healing No ceiling HP recovered every second = MAX(1, (3 + HealingSkill * 2) / 5) Determines the amount of HP one regains per second Giants (grown size) get MAX(1, (3 + HealingSkill * 4) / 5)

Hydras get MAX(1, (3 + HealingSkill * 3) / 5)

Strength 20 (can go beyond with Guild/gear/magic bonuses) Gives +10% base strength per level Strength stat is a hidden stat that can be view with the enlightenment spell/potion. Each race has their own base strength. Strength increases smash damage by a damage roll proportional to (Strength - 120) * 0.35
Find Weakness 20 (can go beyond with Guild/gear/magic bonuses) For the first ten skill levels, the chances increase by 3%, and then 2% for the next ten levels, and finally 1% for every level after that.

Skill level 5 = 15%, level 10 = 30%, level 20 = 50%, level 30 = 60%

This skill increases your chance to have critical effects upon the enemy

Cost: 1,000g * trained skill level

This affects all damage types, including spells
Meditation No ceiling 1 + (SKILL LEVEL) over 5s Determines the amount of MP one regains per tick Pixies have double the regeneration rate of other races. This is completely unique to Pixies and occurs regardless of Guild
Lore No ceiling Total Lore Points = (Lore + 1)^2, for Lore levels 1-4

35 + 10*(Lore - 5), for Lore levels 5+

Each spell you learn consumes the amount of Lore points equal to the Lore level required, and each level gives you more Lore points to expend You must also have a Lore level at least equal to the Lore level of the spell being learned

Magical Arts

Skill points in an art reduce the casting cost for the spell you're casting. This reduction varies based on the spell.

Chance to not consume the reagent is 0.01% * art * (art + 1) / 2 45 in the art will not consume reagents, the reagents are still required to be able to cast the spell.

Name Description
Conjuration This skill reduces the casting cost for Conjurations, which are spells that create things semipermanently, including summoning monsters, creating food and water, and building magical traps or shields. Increases your summon's respect score

Cost: 1,000g * trained skill level

Each new Art skill level also adds a chance not to consume any reagents. Each Level adds another (level * 1/10th percent) chance. So at Art level 1, you have a 0.1% chance (one in a thousand casts) of not using a reagent.

However, it stacks up quickly, so by the time you're level 10 you have a 5.5% chance (about 1 in 18 casts). At level 15 it's a 12% chance (1 in 8 casts), level 20 is a 21% chance (1 in 5 casts), and level 25 is a 32.5% chance (1 in 3 casts dont use a reagent.)

Enchantment This skill reduces the casting cost for Enchantments, which are spells that change the state of a person or object, such as charms concealment, poisoning, resistance, speed, strength, or armor improvements

Cost: 1,000g * trained skill level

Each new Art skill level also adds a chance not to consume any reagents. Each Level adds another (level * 1/10th percent) chance. So at Art level 1, you have a 0.1% chance (one in a thousand casts) of not using a reagent.

However, it stacks up quickly, so by the time you're level 10 you have a 5.5% chance (about 1 in 18 casts). At level 15 it's a 12% chance (1 in 8 casts), level 20 is a 21% chance (1 in 5 casts), and level 25 is a 32.5% chance (1 in 3 casts dont use a reagent.)

Evocation This skill reduces the casting cost for Evocations, which are spells that produce a physical and often damaging magical effect such as magical dart, fireball, icestorm, or lightning bolt

Cost: 1,000g * trained skill level

Each new Art skill level also adds a chance not to consume any reagents. Each Level adds another (level * 1/10th percent) chance. So at Art level 1, you have a 0.1% chance (one in a thousand casts) of not using a reagent.

However, it stacks up quickly, so by the time you're level 10 you have a 5.5% chance (about 1 in 18 casts). At level 15 it's a 12% chance (1 in 8 casts), level 20 is a 21% chance (1 in 5 casts), and level 25 is a 32.5% chance (1 in 3 casts dont use a reagent.)

Incantation This skill reduces the casting cost for Incantations, which are spells that produce a change in the environment, such as magical unlocking, teleportation, summoning, dispelling spells, identification, revealing, mapping, and enlightenment

Cost: 1,000g * trained skill level

Each new Art skill level also adds a chance not to consume any reagents. Each Level adds another (level * 1/10th percent) chance. So at Art level 1, you have a 0.1% chance (one in a thousand casts) of not using a reagent.

However, it stacks up quickly, so by the time you're level 10 you have a 5.5% chance (about 1 in 18 casts). At level 15 it's a 12% chance (1 in 8 casts), level 20 is a 21% chance (1 in 5 casts), and level 25 is a 32.5% chance (1 in 3 casts dont use a reagent.)

Casting Cost Reduction
Magical Art Level Casting Cost Ratio
0 1
1 0.8
2 0.65
3 0.5
4 0.4
5 0.3
6 0.25
7 0.2
8 ?

Magical Elements

Skill points in an element change the effectiveness of the spell you're casting. This effectiveness varies based on the spell.

Name Description
Air Air is mostly used for support spells. Spells that use Air are Thunderstorm, Thunderbolt, Summon Air Elemental, See Invisible, Speed, Fly, Xray, Join Player, Invisibility, and Darksight.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Earth Earth allows you to utilize powerful Earth spells to deal damage or to support yourself or your allies. With Earth you can use spells such as Sandstorm, Boulder Blast, Petrify, Summon Earth Elemental, Slow, Satiety, Fortress, and Strength.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Fire Fire is used for Fire spells such as Fireball, Firebolt, Firespray, Firefrost, Flame Shield, and Summon Fire Elemental.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Water With Water you can learn spells such as Icestorm, Blizzard, Frostwave, Acid Dart, Summon Water Elemental, Water Breathing, and Water Walking.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Life Life is used for support spells such as Minor/Medium/Greater Healing, Cure Blindness, Cure Poison, etc. Life is also capable of summoning powerful monsters with the Summon Monster spell.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Death Death is used for powerful spells such as Dragon Breath, Thunderstorm, Destruction, Stonewind, Deathray, Summon Demon, and Summon Undead.

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Mind This skill increases the effectiveness of spells related to charming, confusion, fear, traps, item identification, dispelling magic, magical mapping, and many other spell types

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Spirit This skill increases the effectiveness of spells related to charging, enchanting, mana magic, teleportation and recalls, scrying, enhanced vision, resistance spells, and other spell types

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Weapon Skills

Weapon skills increase damage, speed, and accuracy of the respective weapon type. Attack speed is capped at 40 skill level.

Name Effect Per Level Description
Ranged ?? Bows and Crossbows are the preferred weapon of choice in the Archer's Guild. Wood Elves have a natural "Auto-fire" ability where they can automatically fire arrows at surrounding enemies while being on the move. This perk is also gained by joining the archers guild and improved by leveling the Ranged skill.
Swords ?? Swords typically have the word 'sword' in their name, such as "Longsword," "Elven Broadsword," "Two-Handed Sword," etc. Swords are the preferred weapon of the Paladin's Guild.
Blunt ?? Blunt weapons are the primary weapon choice in the Caveman's Guild. Blunt weapons deal smash damage, which is arguably the strongest of the three melee damage types.

Giants also have incredible natural strength, allowing them to wield the mighty Bonecrusher: the most powerful artifact currently in Wyvern, and a Blunt weapon.

Blades ?? Examples of Blade weapons are scimitar, cutlass, rapier, falchion, pocket knife, and katanas. Blade weapons are the weapon type of choice in the Ninja's Guild, a guild that specializes in speed, find-weakness, and the ability to backstab opponents to maximize their damage.
Axes ?? Axes are the preferred weapon of the Axeman's Guild and can do massive amounts of damage. Dwarves and Frost Giants have an innate proficiency with Axes.
Unarmed ?? Unarmed is one of the most common skills to train in the Monk's Guild, but also has value in the Ninja's Guild and in the Caveman's Guild. Rakshasa and Naga are two races that benefit the most from unarmed. Rakshasa claws get sharper as they level up, and Nagas can shapeshift into powerful forms with strong bite and claw attacks, such as Dragons and Kalidemons.
Hurled ?? Hurled weapons are sometimes used in the Ninja's Guild, and offer a different combat dynamic. With Hurled trained, you can "throw" weapons at enemies to hit for massive amounts of damage. However, you must go pick up the weapons after they hit the enemy, so positioning is key.
Polearms ?? Polearms are one of the alternative weapons that can be used in the Axeman's guild.
Whips ?? There is no Guild currently dedicated to Whips. However, Mages have been known to use the Magic Whip spell which still relies on the Whips skill.
Staves ?? Staves are one of the alternative weapons often used in the Monk's Guild by races that do not have a natural affinity for unarmed combat, such as Rakshasa and Nagas.

Miscellaneous Skills

Name Skill Max. Effect Per Level Description Other
Merchant 10 1) +100g max per item sold to shop

2) Increases percentage of shop price received for sold items

Max sell: 4000 (6000 if VIP) + 100g*level

Percentage of shop price received for sold items: 0 = 24%, 1 = 28%, 2 = 33%, 3 = 36%, 4 = 39%, 5 = 42%, 6 = 44%, 7 = 46%, 8 = 48%, 9 = 49%, 10 = 50%

Cost: 1250g * trained skill level
Sneaking Limited by race, defaulting to 10 ?? Avoids detection by monsters, and includes trap detection/disarming and lockpicking.(metal armor negates any skill point gained from Ninja guild)

Cost begins at 1000g

Zoology ?10 Increases the range of the skill This skill improves your ability to know about monsters, their strengths and weaknesses, and how wounded they are. On PC, use ctrl+click to see monster info. Will increase your summon's respect score.

Cost: 250g * trained skill level

Oratory ?? ?? Currently disabled. Oratory will eventually be useful in a future guild and in-game charisma checks. ??
Spirit Travel 10 Reduces the amount of XP lost when you die, and also gives a chance of not losing any XP. Each level reduces XP lost by 1 percentage point. 0 = 10% of total XP lost, and level 10 Spirit Travel = 1% of total XP lost 10% chance to dodge death and not lose XP @ level 0, 40% @ level 10

Increases the chance of avoiding a 1 hit ko and staying alive with 1 HP. (If you've ever played megaman this is similar to an undershirt.)

Dodging 2x level (not including Guild/gear/magic bonuses), until hard cap at 60 (includes Guild/gear/magic bonuses) +1.2% per level up to 72% This skill makes you harder to hit, including missiles

Cost: 500g * trained skill level

Berserk 20 Increases duration and decreases cooldown, and also gives 1 strength per 2 levels. This bonus caps at 10 strength total. For every level add 1% bonus damage, for up to 20% bonus. Increases your time and damage while berserking. While in berserk mode, you bungle a lot and your HP value becomes hidden. The Caveman's guild has a perk where they can still see their HP while berserking. A non-cavie also can see their HP while berserking at 20 berserk skill. Cost: 500* trained skill level
Armor 20 +1.3 protection per level and +1% death resistance per level Protects you from damage and grants you some protection against death spells Cost begins at 1000 gold